Overthinking is Just an Energy Waste, Here’s Why:

Hanan Fahrezi
3 min readJun 24, 2020


Image 1 by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

Over millions of people in the world suffer from either one of the most painful and miserable type of psychological illnesses such as stress and depression. One of which has a specific cause that happened to be surprisingly manageable and rather easy to be handled by several method. And that is what we’re talking at the moment — overthinking.

Overthinking, as its name suggests, is a pretty common sign of psychological distress of people in various range of ages, typically occur between the ages of pubescent (12-17 years old) and pre-middle to mid life (20-45 years old). The definition itself is really self-explanatory. It is commonly depicted as an event of constant negative emotions retrieval –reception and keeps building up into a point where it’s just too much to be handled by both memory and emotional capacity.

Those kinds of demography are notoriously prone to particular type of distress, usually caused by family issue, academic and educational decline, social and economic underdevelopment, marital problems, and the list goes on.

This led them to be both physically and emotionally vulnerable to any kind of inner interference and/or disturbance, making them more likely to get stress and depression caused by constant long-lasting thoughts that flew on their mind time to time.

Meanwhile, the onset may occur relatively different on other people, but the thing in common is that they are somewhat could potentially affected to overthinking symptoms at some point in their life.

Speaking of which, as stated on previous paragraphs, overthinking could be handled rather easily, but for specific type of people whom had a rather different historical background or relatively “tougher” issue that happened at some point in their past, they may have some trouble to get over from constant tendency of negative thoughts. This is absolutely normal as nobody have the same of personal issue. Thus, it needs different treatment for them per se.

The general tips to get over with constantly lingering negative thoughts, emotions, and feelings, is to focus on a certain thing that could help you to distract the thoughts itself and to things or person that meant to you the most, the example are ranging from stuffs like having a break from urban environment, taking a social media pause, reconnecting with family members and friends, or enjoying your own hobby at ease.

Doing things that we love and care the most could potentially give us an assistance to move away and break those chain links of abstract negative feelings. Several studies shown that the release of endorphins or any other “happiness” linked hormones contribute the most to the healing and removal of stress. These kinds of hormones could easily obtained from activities that involve someone or something we love. If they decided to do the things that they love the most, the process of erasing negative thoughts could be done more easier and quicker. The quicker the process, the more quick also for them to continue their life “normally”.

For basic reason, overthinking gradually slows down ability to create and also the perception of time, while at the same time actually proceed themselves into the abyss of uncertainty and declination. The amount of time and energy wasted to deal with abstract and temporary portrait of negative feelings is just unbearably too much and overwhelming. Hence, this makes them stagnated, both in personal and social progression.

The idea of reducing the amount of overthinking symptoms is to manage and benefit our limited time we have to be distributed effectively to certain things that have the most quality and urgency, rather than having to deal with things that regress our steps to move forward instead. This may sounds difficult, but by lessening the burden we have, we should have removed all of the weighs and began to continue our life without having to respond to irrelevant concerns.

Without having too much worrisome on particular things, we could possibly create more works and achievement in advance. Never get easily worried to people’s opinion that are conveyed without logical arguments, as they are nothing close to meaningless talks.

Image 2 by Juan Mendez on Pexels



Hanan Fahrezi

Always trying to share positive stories of life, delving new insights of the world, and advocate the betterment of living.